Starting in the district of Castell de Castells, the journey runs through the Serrella mountain range, a mountain you will fall in love with. Interregional limit, with the Marina Baja to the South, and the El Comtat and Marina Alta to the North. Considered one of the wildest mountain ranges of the province, it will give us wonderful views from the Malla del Lobo, where we will ascend to on the trip that will take us to Confrides.
We will leave Castell de Castells along the CV-752 road and turn off onto the paved road towards the Sports Centre. We will start the climb passing through the Alcoi of Castellet until arriving at the Coll dell Castellet.
From here we can see the imposing Penya del Castellet, with the Barranco de La Canal as an impressive entrance gate to the Sierra de la Serrella.
We will continue to ascend through the forest track until we arrive at the entrance of the Castellet, remains of an ancient fortification of Arab origin, perched on the rocky ridges of this crag.
From Castellet we will have magnificent views of the Valley of Guadalest and of the reservoir, as well as of the impressive Barranco de la Canal.
We will continue along the track towards the Malla del Lobo to take a detour to the left and access the Barranco de la Canal, which we will climb up to get to the hill that will lead us to the triangulation station
of the Malla del Lobo, 1.357 metres
above sea level.
In this area and over the course of the journey the flora is unique, with numerous herbs such as sage, chamomile, thyme and rosemary.
After resting at the top, we will continue the walk on a nice trail with gentle slopes, which will take us to the Collado Borrell. We will take a detour on the route of around 200 metres to be able to take a peek at the Recingle de la Finestra, a large hole in the mountain with in the shape of Africa.
Once again on the route, we will continue on a track until taking a detour through a small forest of pines that leads us to the Pas del Comptador, located between two promontories of rock, in order to start the descent on quite a steep path. This will take us to the track that we will go down to get to Confrides.
On this track and after passing through several ravines by a path between pine trees, we will access the paved road that will lead us to Confrides by the river Beniardá.